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Landowners, Counties, Lawmakers & Advocacy Groups Appeal Iowa Utilities Commission’s Approval of Summit Carbon Pipeline Permit

Mark Hefflinger, Bold Alliance (Photo: Bryon Houlgrave/Des Moines Register

By Mark Hefflinger

News July 16, 2024


Landowners, Counties, Lawmakers & Advocacy Groups Appeal Iowa Utilities Commission’s Approval of Summit Carbon Pipeline Permit

Des Moines, IA — Landowners, counties, lawmakers and advocacy groups including the Sierra Club on Tuesday filed motions for reconsideration of the Iowa Utilities Commission’s (IUC) recent decision to approve of a permit and eminent domain authority to seize land for Summit Carbon’s proposed CO2 pipeline.

Among the filings was a motion to reconsider by landowners — represented by attorney Brian Jorde, with Domina Law Group and Iowa Easement Team, who also represented the landowners during the IUC hearings. Counties filing a joint motion included Shelby County, Kossuth County, Floyd County, Emmet County, Dickinson County, Wright County, and Woodbury County, while Hardin County filed its own separate motion. Rep. Charley Thomson and the Republican Legislative Intervenors for Justice (RLIJ), a group that includes 20 elected members of the Iowa General Assembly, also filed a motion.

The IUC’s recent decision granting a permit to Summit was conditional upon the company’s receipt of outstanding permits in North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota and Nebraska – none of which have yet granted Summit any permits. The motions for reconsideration of the IUC’s decision are just the first step in the appeal process. Landowners and others are also likely to next appeal the IUC’s permit decision in the Iowa courts.

“As a landowner, I don’t feel that the IUC actually listened to us at all. We were treated as second-class citizens.  IUC didn’t consider any evidence I presented about the risks on my land.  My property rights are more important to me than any money Summit could offer me,” said Kathy Stockdale, landowner in Hardin County, Iowa.

Emma Schmit, Pipeline Fighters Director at Bold Alliance stated, “The IUC’s decision was not only careless and ill-thought, but outright hostile towards those opposed to risky carbon pipelines. This appeal is the first step in obtaining a legitimate, unbiased ruling that ensures our voices are heard and our rights are protected. From Iowa to North Dakota, we will not allow one corporation’s unbound greed to trample over the land or our lives. Summit can bully and bribe, but we will not back down until their carbon capture pipeline is canceled.”

“It is evident that the IUC failed to consider much of the testimony, evidence and public comments in their decision. We have a strong case and we won’t stop until Summit is stopped,” said Jess Mazour, Sierra Club Iowa Chapter.

“In spite of all the evidence the opponents submitted to the commission and the lack of evidence presented by Summit, the Board clearly rendered a decision that was not based on the evidence,” said Wally Taylor, attorney for Sierra Club Iowa Chapter.

View all motions for reconsideration:

Jorde Landowners Motion for Reconsideration

Application for Reconsideration_2148351_240715-193026

Sierra Club Motion for Reconsideration

SC-Summit motion to reconsider final decision_2148313_240715-151703

Counties’ (Shelby County, Kossuth County, Floyd County, Emmet County, Dickinson County, Wright County, and Woodbury County) Motion for Reconsideration

Motion to Reconsider Final Decision and Order_2148255_240712-160630

Rep. Charley Thomson & Republican Legislative Intervenors for Justice (20 members of the Iowa General Assembly)

RLIJ Motion to Reconsider_2148355_240715-195756

Hardin County Motion for Reconsideration

Hardin-CountyJoinder in motion for reconsideration_2148349_240715-183158

Gregory and Erica Kracht, Trustees (“Kracht”) and DAPEMA, LLC Motion for Reconsideration

Murray_Joinder to Counties Motion to Reconsider_2148350_240715-192428

Gordon Garrison, pro se intervenor

Garrison Reconsideration.docx_2148359_240715-204027
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