
Mark Hefflinger
Communications Director, Bold Alliance
Mark joined Bold in 2013 and helped organize the unlikely alliance that defeated the Keystone XL pipeline, managing communications, digital and social media, and outreach and networking with allied grassroots groups and national environmental organizations. When Bold Nebraska expanded to form the Bold Alliance in 2015, Mark directed media and communications, and helped manage all of the state chapter organizations.
For the Pipeline Fighters Hub project, Mark maintains the Pipeline Fighter Hub resource website and blog, hosts the Pipeline Fighters Hub webinar series and listserv for grassroots activists. Mark also publishes the free “Extracted” daily email newsletter that features the most important news clips relevant for Pipeline Fighters, Water Protectors, and climate activists, and maintains the Pipeline Fighter Hub resource website and blog.
Mark was born and raised in Omaha, holds a degree from Boston College, and worked for a decade as a business journalist in California, covering the digital media industry, music, and LGBTQIA2S+ issues. Since 2012, Mark has served as an online and real-world organizer and manager for grassroots progressive nonprofit organizations.