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Pipeline Fights



Byhalia Connection Oil Pipeline

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Memphis has the Power Organizer Pearl Eva Walker gathers with members of the Protect Our Aquifer group at a rally against the Byhalia Pipeline (Photo: Pearl Eva Walker)

Memphis has the Power Organizer Pearl Eva Walker gathers with members of the Protect Our Aquifer group at a rally against the Byhalia Pipeline (Photo: Pearl Eva Walker)

Frontline/Local & Opposition Groups

National Opposition Groups


  • April 2021: Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland calls Byhalia Pipeline an “unacceptable risk” to Memphis Sand aquifer, will support local efforts to regulate the proposed Byhalia pipeline, “after careful review and detailed conversations with environmental scientists” by his administration. [source]
  • April 2021: Rev. Dr. William Barber II & Poor People’s Campaign rally in Memphis
  • March 2021: Former Vice President Al Gore attends Memphis rally, calls Byhalia pipeline “reckless, racist and a rip-off”
  • February 2021: Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN09)  sent a letter to Pres. Biden urging him to revoke NWP 12
    • Avenue to target Biden more directly / inside + outside
    • Feb. 5, 2021: Army Corps replies to Cohen with letter
  • Southern Environmental Law Center memo to Biden
  • State is conservative; efforts to affect city-wide pipeline-related permits, right to drill under roads, etc.
Justin J. Pearson, an organizer Memphis Community Against the Pipeline bumps elbows with former Vice President Al Gore after his speech during a rally organized by MCAP at Alonzo Weaver Park on Sunday afternoon. (Photo: Andrea Morales for MLK50)

Justin J. Pearson, an organizer Memphis Community Against the Pipeline bumps elbows with former Vice President Al Gore after his speech during a rally organized by MCAP at Alonzo Weaver Park on Sunday afternoon. (Photo: Andrea Morales for MLK50)

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